Well, another week has flown by and the Christmas cards are a little nearer completion than they were this time last week.
Hooray! The lounge curtains are now completed and the sewing machine put away until the Christmas cards have been finished. There's a pile of fabric cut out and waiting to be sewn up, and I've just ordered some more patterns from SewDirect as they were on a 3 for the price of 1 offer for subscribers to their magazine. If you're a keen sewer then you'll appreciate that it was an offer not to be missed. I've a considerable stash of fabric and knitting yarn so this will keep me suitably occupied for the next year or three!!!
Since yesterday I've found myself working on a DTP project (that wasn't on the schedule) for someone we know and so card making is on hold again for the next day or so. All being well I'll be able to crack on with completing the Christmas cards over the week-end. Yes, I know, it would have been sensible to say "No" to the DTP stuff but it helps maintain the skills base and as long as the cards are completed ready to be posted on 1 December then there's no real harm done.
Well, you know what they say... if it wasn't for the last minute then nothing would ever get done!
While you're waiting to see this year's Christmas cards, here's a picture of a quick and simple card that I made for the 2007 festive season.
It comprises of a sheet of linen textured dark blue A5 card folded lengthways with some silver mirri card as a matt and a part sheet of backing paper from a selection pack.
The front of the card was deliberately left plain to avoid spoiling the symmetry of the tree design.
There's still some of the design paper lurking in the paper stash - might use it up to make a few quick cards for this year in an effort to make up for lost time.
Okay, must go now as it's time for kitchen duty.
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