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Blog Tips

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A new month...

Well, today is the 1st of November.

They say that life is like a loo roll - the nearer the end you get, the faster its goes.  This year has really flown by so it might be a good idea to start buying those double length loo rolls! 

So, the plan was to have the Christmas cards completed by yesterday but it will probably be week-end before they're all done. To be honest, right now, I could happily buy some cards and just make those few special ones.

Sometimes I think that the gremlins see the card making stuff coming out and devise all manner of disruptions and interruptions to prevent me completing the cards, to the point that it doesn't seem worth planning a day's crafting in the first place.  Know the feeling?  

All being well, I'll be able to finish sewing the new lounge curtains tomorrow now that I have a working sewing machine again.  Then, when the cards have been finished, I'll be able to start on sewing some new things for myself and the grandchildren.  Fingers crossed that the gremlins will be hibernating for the winter!   

Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, I know it can be tough to find a moment to do some craft, especially when it starts getting dark from about mid afternoon lol. My best time to craft is usually when there is sport on tv! I can disappear into another room for a good hour or so, guilt free :)
    I have found it helps to just prepare some stuff in advance too - just throw together a load of things that coordinate to make a 'kit' that I can come back to later.

    I like your blog - I was going to use the same background but couldn't work out how to make the text show up.

